St Anthony’s Primary School
Catholic schools have a long tradition of school uniforms as an important dimension of school life.
School uniforms provide a strong sense of identity and contribute to inclusiveness and equity in schools. It is a significant expectation at St Anthony’s Primary School that all students will wear the correct uniform, and are supported by their parents/carers.
The uniform reflects the school community standards and expectations as well as assisting the school community to:
- Promote a sense of inclusiveness, non-discrimination and equity – students are known for who they are and what they do, not what they wear Foster the ethos of Catholic schools where all people are treated equally regardless of financial circumstances
- Recognise its student members
- Define the identity of the school within its broader community
- Promote school spirit
- Foster the school as an ordered and safe environment, where students gain an increasing appreciation of positive personal presentation
- Eliminate the risk of peer pressure to wear clothes which might be inappropriate, transitory items of fashion and/or expensive in nature
- Provide some quality control over the durability of clothing items.
The continued development of a positive school culture is an activity that must be carried out by
each and every member of the school community each day. While school uniform is but a part of the
overall positive school culture at St Anthony’s, it is a highly visible and symbolically important factor.
Thus students, parents and staff must share responsibility for student compliance with good
standards of school uniform.
School Uniform:
Summer Uniform | Winter Uniform | Sports Uniform |
Summer Uniform | Winter Uniform | Sports Uniform |
Roles and Responsibilities:
St Anthony’s Primary School will:
- Inform parents/carers of the Uniform Policy when they enrol their child
- Include the Uniform Policy statement on the school website and in the school prospectus
- Seek ongoing support from parents/carers and the school community for the Uniform Policy
and its implementation, through newsletters, parent meetings, etc. - Ensure that all students wear the correct uniform and comply with the School’s policy in wearing the uniform
- Ensure that parents/carers are informed of days of the week that the School uniform and sports uniform are to be worn
- Inform students and parents/carers that participation in school events, excursions, carnivals, outings or activity is dependent upon the student complying with this policy
- Contact parents/carers (by either the Classroom teacher or the Deputy Principal) if a student has not adhered to this policy
- Take appropriate measures, such as sending a student home, if the St Anthony’s Primary School uniform and appearance policy expectations are not met.
- Provide access to the uniform shop and inform parents/carers of opening hours. Where financial issues arise St Anthony’s Primary School will support families where possible.
Parents/carers will:
- Ensure that students dress in the approved school uniform on the required days
- Support the school’s Uniform Policy
- Instruct each child to wear the full and correct uniform between home and school at all times
- Clearly and permanently mark all clothing with the child’s name
- Ensure that the sports uniform is worn only on designated sports days
- Remind children that the school hat is worn for all outdoor activities
- Ensure that jewellery is limited to two items of jewellery in line with the St Anthony’s Primary School Uniform Policy
- Ensure that the child’s hair is well-groomed in line with the St Anthony’s Primary School Uniform Policy.
Students will:
- Be aware of the school’s Uniform Policy
- Take shared responsibility for complying with the required uniform and personal appearance requirements set out below
- Act as positive role models for other students in all aspects of uniform wearing and personal appearance behaviour
- Wear the full and correct uniform between home and school at all times
- School hats only are to be worn at school during Term 1 and Term 4. Beanies and scarves can be worn in Term 2 and Term 3. All hats, beanies and scarves must be in bottle green.
No caps, hats or other scarves are permitted. - Students that are wearing a hooded school jumper are not permitted to wear their hoods inside.
- One chain necklace, (with religious item if desired), this must be worn under clothing so as not to become a safety hazard.
- Earrings are permitted to be worn provided they are small gold or silver studs or sleepers limited to one in each earlobe. These are the only piercings that are allowed.
- Sharp or protruding items are not to be worn.
- Hairstyles should be neat and well groomed.
- Where long enough to be tied back, then it should be tied back, using ribbons, bands or ‘scrunchies’ in St Anthony’s school colours or natural hair colours.
- Hair should not obscure the face.
- No contrast in hair colours (naturally blended hair will be accepted).
Make-up and Nails:
- Students are not to wear make-up as part of their daily presentation.
- Coloured nail polishes and lipsticks are not permitted.
- Artificial nails are not permitted.
Procedure and Application of School Uniform Policy:
The whole school community has a role to play in encouraging the wearing of our school’s uniform.
We ask parents and carers to support this procedure and ensure students are appropriately dressed
to participate in school activities. Students will be asked for a note of explanation from parents/carers
if they arrive at school not in uniform.
- St Anthony’s Uniform Policy will be given out to the parents each year and readily available on our internet page.
- Reminders of the policy throughout the year will be provided in our school newsletter, through community chats and Operoo notifications.
- St Anthony’s Uniform Policy will be explained and given to new parents.
Steps in place for students not wearing correct uniform.
- Parents are to notify school if their child is out of uniform at the commencement of the school day by emailing your child’s teacher or sending a handwritten note.
- Classroom teachers will give verbal reminders to children and specifically to children out of uniform without explanation from their parents.
- After a verbal reminder from a teacher, students who continue to be out of school uniform
will have a notification sent home via Operoo to their parents or carers which they will be
required to sign. This can happen twice in the School Calendar year. - Parents or Carers of students who continue to be out of uniform will be contacted by a Deputy
Principal to discuss the specific circumstances - Students who are consistently out of uniform will be required to attend a meeting with the
Principal to discuss a solution that meets the expectations of the school community. The
student's parents or carers will be invited to attend the meeting; - A process of conflict resolution or mediation will be implemented if student persistently wears
inappropriate dress after discussions have been held with parents or carers. - Students may not be able to participate in extra-curricular or school activities which are not part of the regular educational program, e.g. excursions, incursions, sports days. Students will not be prevented from participating in curriculum activities, except where necessary for safety reasons. In this instance alternative educational activities will be provided.
- Student’s access to areas of the school such as the playground may be restricted; For example, if a student doesn’t have a hat they may be required to sit in shaded areas.